I am Janeth, a Latina who lives in San Pablo, CA. but am from Mexico. I attended Richmond High School but now I am attending Berkeley City College. For now I am not sure of what I plan to study but I am currently working on trying to get my requirements done so I can transfer to another school as soon as possible. I would like to transfer to either UC Berkley or UC Santa Cruz when I am ready to do so. I wish I could have gone as a freshman and be there now but I couldn’t afford it. High cost of education is a big obstacle for many and it was for me even though I applied and got into most of the schools. I had to settle for other options, having to stay at home and commute to school is not easy but what I had to do.
Community college is not bad after all so that’s a great way to go as well and much cheaper! I never expected college lifestyle to be like this though; it is completely different than high school. Now you have to pay for books, classes and fees. I can’t tell what some of the fees are for or why they’re charging me them.
It does have its brighter side though, your weekly schedule is not the same because you don’t have much school but the rest of the time you usually use it for the all the homework they give you. I can’t really say I prepared but I did make sure to get my classes on time and that is what I expect to do again for the following semester. I would never want to go back to high school now, college is much better I believe. So get ready because it does change your life but also make good decisions because now you’re on your own.
– Janeth, Berkeley City College ’13