As the first term of my college life expires, there are a few things i would like to reflect on. My classes began with culinary labs which involves being in a kitchen from noon till six Monday through Thursday. On top of that, on Tuesdays and Thursdays i work from 7-11:30 in the morning, so i am on my feet for almost 12 hours on those days. I never though that being a culinary arts major would be so exhausting, but i love it! As for the social aspects of my life, I have been gaining a few friends and I am getting in a regular group of people, but it has taken time and it has been lonely. Now that i am closing in on my last two weeks of my first trimester, i am getting ready to say goodbye to the same 20 people that i have had labs with this past term, and move on to my academic classes where I will meet a larger portion of the student body. This first term was a strong wake up call, it just pushed me into being independent and responsible. It has been a great experience and I am excited to continue my year.