Attending UC Riverside for college has got to be hands down one the best experience I’ve been through in my life. It’s honestly so fun, because I’ve met several people that I can now call my best friends. Everyone here is so easy to relate to, especially people from the bay area. The community gives out such a close knit and family type vibe. Yes, there are people here that absolutely hate attending this school, but I am not one of them. I did not let the rumors of UC Riverside phase my experience. Joining a club is definitely a must when attending this school otherwise there’s not much to do. The new recreational center is stunning. We have a new pool, and volley ball court. The staff is super friendly and the gym has a “no-judge free zone” policy. So literally anyone can work out without feeling uncomfortable. The food is pretty good and so far I’ve gained 22 pounds. Not sure if it is muscle or fat but I have noticed that I’ve been getting a belly. Academically, College overall is pretty challenging. Essays on top ofprojects on top of reading on top of more essays. The amount of work is manageable but only when I organize my time. My sleep schedule is so off and I rarely have time for myself. I’ve taken advantage of any gaps in my schedule to take naps and regenerate my brain before class. Even though there’s a bunch of ups and downs about college, I love attending UC Riverside and I’d recommend this school for anyone. GO HIGHLANDERS!