If anyone has been keeping up with my blog they would know that I failed my winter quarter and was on academic disqualification. It meant that I had to get a 2.0 or higher to stay at UC Santa Cruz. My gpa was at a 1.13 which is very bad and I made the change to ask for more help. Fall quarter went by very quickly and before I knew it. I was on Spring break. My grades were out and they would determine if I would stay in Santa Cruz. Through all my hard work I managed to make my GPA a 2.43 almost a 2.5 which i was aiming for. Came up short only 0.07, but in the end was happy. I am now off the academic disqualification and currently taking my spring classes. I learned a lot from my failure and take that in every time I feel as if I can’t do this. I use it to motivate me to not fail anymore classes and to ask for help. I am a person that says they got this and doesn’t ask for much help, because I have too much pride. I learned that you gotta ask for help and put your pride aside and do your best to pass your classes and stay in school. This fall quarter that passed taught me a lot and have shared my story with my colleagues. I know what I am capable of and only aim for the best. Everything happens for a reason and its always a matter of what to do next. I would encourage people to take everything the school has to offer, because its offered for a reason and thats to assist you in anyway they can possible. I am very happy I changed the outcome the school predict for me to fail, but proved them wrong and now am two steps ahead of the game. It doesn’t matter what high school you may of came from, but the dedication you place in your studies. Only person to run your career is you and it’s no joke. I learned a lot and tell people about my failure and almost being kicked out of college, but now am I finishing my last quarter of the year. It went by quick and it has been an adventure.