Even though I would like to take summer classes that is not possible for me right now. I say this because I can not afford to go to school in the summer. One reason for this is due to the fact that I attend school across the San Rafael-Richmond bridge and bus transportation is very expensive. For instance, it costs me $10 roundtrip to go to school and come back home. Another reason why it is not possible for me to attend summer school is because I will not be granted any financial aid or scholarships to cover the cost of books and fees. This is why I must work. This summer is going to be a really busy summer for me, since I have three different jobs. It has been extremely difficult to manage this. At times it can be stressful, fun, and rewarding. This will help my future in so many ways. First, it will help me to become more financially stable in the upcoming semester of college. In my first year of college, I did not feel financially stable at all because in the beginning of the semester I received a lot of money, and then two months later it felt as if the money just disappeared. Thus, having these jobs will make me feel more at ease when I go back to school since I always worry about money. Another way working this summer will help my future is that I will gain more experience as an employee and become qualified for more jobs. I definitely know that next semester I will need to be able to manage my money and actually watch where it goes. This is very important to me because next year I would like to be able to attend summer school, in order to finish college faster.