I’ve started Contra Costa College On Monday. My main goal is to obtain an AA degree in Political Science or Psychology. So far, I like my classes. My professors are really nice. I think I will maintain good grades my first semester. I hope to continue to focus on school as my number one priority. With any classes I am struggling with I will then proceed to get help and go to tutoring. I am really excited about college learning new things really does interest me. I know that furthering my education is one of the decisions I will make in life that will not only help me in the future. But I am allowing myself to get a career of my choice. I am still interested in becoming a lawyer. I will hopefully transfer from CCC and hope to get accepted into U.C Berkeley. Eventually I will attend law school. I take my education very seriously and will let nothing distract me of that. School has always really been my number one priority and I plan to keep it that way. CCC is very diverse so I feel comfortable in my classes. I plan on joining the Community Organizing and Political Action Club, I think this will be a great experience for me to gain further knowledge and insight about Politics. I am feeling more positive knowing that I am doing something productive with my time. I will continue to stay patient and remember my purpose. I am at CCC for a reason, I am constantly giving myself positive reinforcement telling myself I can do it ! Even if something becomes difficult. I will not give up or quit, instead I will try harder. I have to say I am proud of myself for making it to college and following through with it, some days will be easier than others. But it’s not meant to be a walk in the park. In other words I need to be challenged ultimately that what’s going to keep me interested and disciplined. I will take initiative to do everything that needs to be done such as meeting homework deadlines, and any other requirements. One thing I hope I will not do is procrastination !!!!! I want to remain organized and prioritize my school life and home life at a realistic pace. In conclusion I am going into this semester enthusiastic and ready I mad a commitment to myself I will do my ultimate best and always give my 100% effort and ask questions if needed and get help if needed. Falling behind isn’t an option for me. To continue to have a positive and open mentality on things.