The first week of school is officially in history! I will admit that I was nervous about the social aspect and the academic environment in college, but now that I have attended classes I am happy about being at Wes! I cannot imagine attending a bigger university. I love being in small classes and being able to bump into people I’ve met throughout the week. What I love the most about my experience here so far is meeting people from all sorts of backgrounds, states and countries. People are so down to earth and open minded-very much like my home state California! What has surprised me is the large amount of reading there is to complete for each class. I was not given so much reading in high school and so now I have learned to embrace it since it’s part of the college student experience. I am excited to get to know my classmates better. Surprisingly, even though I am on the other side of the country and literally 3,000 miles away from home; I have not been homesick. Don’t get me wrong I do miss them, but I don’t contemplate the idea too much. I suppose it’s because I call my family often. They help keep my spirits up with their never ending support. Right now all I know is that I want to learn about clubs and get involved, while getting good grades of course! I can’t wait to find the things I’m passionate for and get a sense of the possible careers that might be fit for my principles and priorities. I’m going in as a Sociology major at the moment and I’m actually taking introduction to sociology this fall and it is my favorite class thus far. My mind has doing nothing but absorbing new knowledge and I look forward to better understanding people and society.