In the beginning, it was kind of scary coming to a new campus, full of new people and barely knowing anyone there, but when I was going through the process of the application and there was the application for EOP as well. Once I had completed both I was accepted and I remember that EOP offer me to come and join Summer Bridge for 5 weeks. I was skeptical at first because I would be in an environment with people I don’t know and I am very timid. Then I realize that is basically what college going to be like when it starts. I joined Summer Bridge and I have to say it was the best choice I have ever made. I met new people that I am friends with now, I was able to come out of my shyness shell and It was like having a new loving family who was there for you to help you have a good experience for the upcoming school year. For having that experience, college has been great so far and I was able to have that extra step other than others because of Summer Bridge. I now know the campus so easily and I was able to help other students around. Being in this super friendly and diverse environment has been awesome it makes you feel like you belong to be there. Academic wise it’s been a little tough but I go to office hours and tutoring, so it’s mellowing it out. Now, I have a lot studying to do for my upcoming midterms but it is not too bad. These weeks have been going fast since the school is on a quarter school system. It still feels like we are in the first week.