“What if I don’t have any friends? What if I don’t pass any classes? What if I don’t know how to study? Whom can I reach out to?” Asks every first year college student. I know those were a couple of questions I worried about when I first moved to UC Merced. My transitioning to college was rough but manageable. As much as I tried mentally preparing myself throughout summer I knew at some point I would face plenty of obstacles. One of my struggles was learning to gain my self-confidence; there were plenty of times I felt like I was not on the same level of knowledge as other students. I felt like I was behind and not prepared for college, a part of me was overwhelmed because I did not think I was what many consider “smart” enough for college. It wasn’t until one day I went to my English professor’s office hours and she asked, “How come you don’t participate in class?” As I started in silence, shocked that she noticed, I clearly remember answering, “I’m scared, I’m scared of being wrong.” And at that moment I couldn’t believe I was telling her how I felt. She looked at me and responded, “Oh honey, don’t you worry, you are here for a reason and that is to leave your mark, but in order to leave your mark and continue your goals you have to boost your confidence.” That was one of the most important days of my college experiences, she made me realize that I have so many dreams and goals I want to accomplish, I do not want a small obstacle to interfere with my goal to one day help foster children and homeless people. That small conversation was just another opened door to further expand my future. I learned that there are plenty of people willing to help other out. I learned that I am not alone.