The Family Literacy Project began in 2010 in response to budget cuts that resulted in no funding for children’s books in the family literacy program that was part of the West Contra Costa Adult Education’s English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.

Donations to the Family Literacy Project are used solely for the purchase of children’s books for family literacy classes and workshops. Since its founding, the project has given between 1,600 and 2,000 books to West Contra Costa County families. Every $10 donation provides up to 20 new children’s books to teach and promote family literacy and reading.

The books are used to teach language (including reading, writing, grammar, listening, speaking and pronunciation) and family literacy skills as well as parenting skills to parents and other adults in the program.

Additionally, the books provide a source for cultural and community education and discussions. After working with the books in class, the students take the books home to their children and families to apply their language and family literacy skills, including reading aloud skills.